1st page: List ( reachable from the parent node, so you can see the list of all the instances of the referenced node). 第一个页面:列表(从父亲节点是可达的,这样您就可以看到参考节点所有实例的列表)。
The XPath simpara/ ulink is parsed in a node n of type PARENT_OF with left and right nodes pointing to simpara and ulink respectively. 在类型PARENTOF(带有各自指向simpara和ulink的左右节点)的节点n中解析XPathsimpara/ulink。
In general, an element node is the parent of a text node; but here, the predicate essentially de-references the text within an element. 一般来说,元素节点是文本节点的父节点,但这里谓词实际上引用了元素中的文本。
The parent-child relationship is resolved at run time using the value of the$ ref property in the parent that is the id value of the child node. 父-子关系可以在运行时,使用父级中$ref属性的值解决,这个值还是子节点的id值。
The parent of any node that's being split is guaranteed not to be full, and can therefore accept data item B without itself needing to be split. 任何要分裂节点的父节点肯定不是满的,因此该节点不需要分裂就可以插入数据项B。
The fractal value of root of a tree is set to 1, and the fractal value is propagated to other nodes by dividing the fractal value of parent node by the number of child nodes and assigning the value to the child node as their fractal value. 树的根的分形权值被设为1,分形权值可以传播到子节点,一个父亲节点的权值可以按比例分到子节点上,分得的权值作为子节点的分形权值。
In C# Net 2003 environment, the programming node add, change and the parent node of the node to change, to produce a flow chart, test results were very good. 在C.net2003的环境下,编程实现节点的添加、父节点的改变和子节点的改变,产生相应的流程图,测试效果良好。
The knowledge transfer between parent company and subsidiary companies of MNCS, as core node of multinational companies 'knowledge transfer, has important role to achieve the overall knowledge sharing, innovation for MNCS. 其中,跨国公司母子公司间的知识转移作为跨国公司知识转移网络节点中的核心环节,对实现跨国公司知识的整体共享、创新,具有至关重要的枢纽作用。
It shows that the general with high chestnut varieties as male parent or female parent, their pollination and nut combination of the average node weight is higher, the xenia effect is more significant. 4. 说明以一般配合高的板栗品种作为父本或母本,其授粉组合所结坚果的平均重量相对比较高,其花粉直感效应亦比较显著。